Shrimp product bamboo shrimp , white shrimp , red shrimp , red neck shrimp , iron shell shrimp , sword shrimp , scampi , vannamei , etc . molluscus product 公司主要出口产品:冻虾系列产品冻鱿鱼唐扬产品面包粉产品调味鱼产品等。
Among all of our quality product , the favorate of japanese are frozen head on and headless bamboo shrimp also called as kuruma ebi in japan , frozen headless red neck shrimp , frozen sword shrimp , iqf red shrimp and so on 其中主要的销日产品有冻去头和带头竹节虾,冻去头红筋虾,单冻红虾仁,冻剑虾等。
Rostov , feeling himself at the front in the power of the man towards whom be now admitted that he had been to blame , never took his eyes off the athletic back , and flaxen head and red neck of the colonel 罗斯托夫觉得在前线有权支配他的人正是此时他认为自己对不住的这个人。他目不转睛地望着团长那大力士般的脊背浅色头发的后脑勺和通红的脖子。
To be sure , i heard so to - day , said shinshin , coming into the rostovs box . natasha looked in the direction her father was looking in and saw julie with diamonds on her thick , red neck natasha knew it was powdered , sitting with a blissful face beside her mother 娜塔莎朝父亲看的那个方向看了看,看见了朱莉,她那粗壮而发红的颈上挂着一串珍珠娜塔莎知道她脖子上扑满了香粉,现出幸福的样子坐在母亲身旁。
Not only the generals in their full parade uniform , wearing scarves and all their decorations , with waists , portly and slim alike , pinched in to the uttermost , and red necks squeezed into stiff collars , not only the pomaded , dandified officers , but every soldier , with his clean , washed , and shaven face , and weapons polished to the utmost possibility of glitter , every horse rubbed down till its coat shone like satin , and every hair in its moistened mane lay in placeall alike felt it no joking matter , felt that something grave and solemn was going forward 不仅是将军都全身穿着检阅制服,他们那粗大的或是细小的腰身都束得很紧,衣领衬托着脖子,托得通红,腰间都系着武装带,胸前佩戴着各种勋章不仅是军官抹了发油,穿戴得时髦,而且每个士兵都露出一副精神充沛的洗得干干净净的刮得光光的面孔,每个士兵都把装具擦得锃亮,每匹战马都受到精心饲养,毛色像绸缎般闪耀着光彩,湿润的马鬃给梳得一丝不紊。
red: n. 镇静剂。 neck: n. 〔英国〕(地中谷物的)最后一捆。 red cock neck hackle with rattan handle: 藤柄红项毛帚by a neck: 差一点胜或输; 以微弱差距neck: neck1 n. 1.颈,脖子;(衣)领;颈肉(尤指羊颈肉);(器物的)颈状部;【化学】短管。 2.海峡;地峡,狭路。 3.【建筑】颈弯饰。 4.【地质学;地理学】岩颈。 a stiff neck 固执(的人),顽固。 bend one's neck 俯首听命,屈从。 break one's neck 折断颈骨(致死)。 break the neck of 做完(工作等的)最难部分。 fall upon sb.'s neck 搂住人家的脖子(拥抱)。 escape with one's neck 好容易逃脱性命。 get [catch, take] it in the neck 〔俚语〕大受攻击[处罚、责骂];〔美俚〕受罚,遭不幸,遭殃。 harden the neck 变顽固,变刚愎。 neck and crop 迅速地,急剧地;立即,马上;完全,彻底,整个地。 neck and neck (赛跑时)并驾齐驱,不分上下;〔美国〕平等的。 neck of the woods 〔美国〕 1. 森林区新村落。 2. 近邻,附近地方,周围〔此义和树林等无关〕。 neck oil 〔美俚〕酒。 neck or nothing [nought] 拼命(It is neck or nothing. 孤注一掷)。 on [over] the neck of 紧紧跟在…的后头。 risk one's neck 拼着性命。 save one's neck 免受绞刑,得免一死;〔和否定连用〕无论如何不…。 speak [talk] through (the back of) one's neck 说糊涂透顶的话;吹牛,说话尖锐。 tread on the neck of 压服,压制,虐待。 win by a neck (赛马时)以一颈之差得胜;勉强得胜。 vt. 1.割颈杀死(家禽等)。 2.缩小…的口径使成颈状。 3.〔美俚〕与…互相搂住脖子亲嘴;拥抱。 vi. 1.〔美俚〕接吻,拥抱。 2.缩小。 n. 〔英国〕(地中谷物的)最后一捆。 neck in: 边缘向内弯曲; 缩幅neck the: 内克半岛neck-in: 缩进扭弯内缘 内缩量on the neck of: 紧跟在后面be neck and neck: 不分上下; 与...齐头并进neck and neck: 并驾并驱; 并驾齐驱,不分上下; 并排; 不相伯仲; 不相上下由颈部到颈部; 肩并肩,并驾齐驱; 马脖子靠着马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾); 齐头并进;不分上下neck-and-neck: 并排的,并驾齐驱的a red: 加币五十圆be as red as: 像一样红be in the red: 亏损, 负债, 亏空in red: 穿红色衣服,用红颜色; 穿红衣in the red: 赤字, 亏损; 赤字,负债的; 亏本; 亏损,负债,赤字; 亏损,赤字; 银行存款没余额; 有亏损; 玉红red: adj. (redder reddest) 1.红色的,赤色的。 2.赤热的,(面孔)因…而胀红的 (with)。 3.血腥的,血淋淋的 (with) (战争等)残酷的。 4.〔常 R-〕红的,革命的;共产主义的。 5.【磁石】(指)北极的。 6.〔英国〕英国的〔由于地图上常把英国领土染成红色〕。 red meat 红肉,牛羊肉 〔cf. white meat〕。 red wine 红葡萄酒。 a red battle 血战。 The Chinese R- Army 中国的红军。 as red as blood 胀红了脸。 become red = turn red. paint the town red 痛饮;胡闹。 red with (anger) (气得)满脸通红。 turn red 变红,红了脸。 n. 1.红,赤色;红色绘画颜料。 2.红布,红衣;〔美国〕印第安人;〔R-〕〔美国〕红头发的人;(台球的)红球。 3.共产党(员);共产主义者;左派。 4.〔pl.〕月经。 5.〔美国〕一分(钱)。 6.〔the red〕〔美国〕赤字,亏空,负债 〔cf. the black〕。 7.〔R-〕【英史】红舰队〔从前英国红、白、蓝三舰队之一〕。 be in (the) red 〔美国〕亏蚀。 come out of the red 〔美国〕开始赚钱,获利。 go into (the) red 〔美国〕出现赤字,发生亏蚀。 see red 〔口语〕激怒,生气。 n. -ness 红,红色。 n. 镇静剂。 s red: red]苏丹红; 苏丹红to be in the red: 亏损,负债was as red,: 一样的鲜红basaltic neck(lava neck): 玄武岩颈neck across, neck width: 领宽neck of the tube; pipe neck: 管颈neck width,neck across: 领宽